Welcome to Newgrounds!
Scouting is a system here in Newgrounds that help separate genuine artists from art thieves, spam, rule-breaking art, stuff like that.
Scouted users have their art posted in the "Approved Artists" section of the art portal, while unscouted artists have their art posted in the "Undiscovered Artists" section.
To get scouted, you usually need a minimum of 4 pieces of art and then you need to accept a scouting invite that will be sent to your inbox if someone scouts you.
Currently, you are still unscouted. You can tell if you visit one of your artworks and see a label that says "This artist has not been scouted yet".
If you want to learn more about scouting, here's a useful guide by Ornery:
I think scouting is when an established artists vouches for your work to be shown in the main art section